Chunav Pathshala:
Pathshala are platform to engage the community members, mainly in rural areas,
through interesting activities and hands on experience to sensitise them on
their electoral rights and familiarise them with the electoral process of
registration and voting.
Pathshalas are ELCs specific to rural communities. Activities and Games are
designed to stimulate and motivate members provoking them to think and ask
Who shall be the members of ELCs?
of Chunav Pathshala will comprise –
- Teenagers
in age group of 14-17 years
- Voters
of 18-19 years of age
- Young
and middle aged women
- Senior
- People
with disabilities
- Children
below 14 years, who don’t go to school
- People
from every community living in the area
What shall we do in Chunav Pathshala?
the Chunav Pathshalas, members will be part of interesting and
thought-provoking, mostly classroom based activities and games. There are
around 25 such activities and 6 games which have been carefully designed to
impart specific learning which will help them become an ‘Empowered
(Prospective) Voter’.
Who will coordinate the Chunav Pathshala?
Pathshala will be coordinated by its convener who will be known as the Matdata
Prashikshak the day to day activities in the Pathshala. S/he will involve all
the members in a range of interesting activities where you will listen to
stories, play games, recite songs, draw comic books, and also play the role of
election officials and candidates in a mock election. Also, you would get to
watch some films that will be specially screened for the members.
Resource Guide is prepared for Chunav Pathshala that shall help the Convener to
conduct each activity of the Pathshala. These activities and games have been
detailed out in the easy to understand Chunav Pathshala Resource Guide, presented
in a step by step format for the benefit of the members and Convener. A Common
Handbook shall also help as a reference material for the Conveners and members.
if there is no Chunav Pathshala in my village?
can approach the following:
· - Booth
Level Officer (BLO)
- Electoral Registration Officer(ERO)